"A Year of School Counseling" {Giveaway}: 2012 Back to School Giveaway!

I am so excited to host the School Counselor Blog Back to School Giveaway, which is 10 days of daily giveaways starting September 1st (today) and ending on September 10th!

Today is day one of the School Counselor Blog Back to School Giveaway.

Today's giveaway for the School Counselor Blog Back to School Giveaway is A Year of School Counseling: Tools and Techniques for K-12 Themes Throughout the Year

A Year of School Counseling: Tools and Techniques for K-12 Themes Throughout the Year has lots of great ideas of how to celebrate events and includes activities and lesson ideas that correspond with events.  I can't remember where I first learned of this book, but it is great for new school counselors who are just starting out and for seasoned school counselors to get some new ideas.

A Year of School Counseling: Tools and Techniques for K-12 Themes Throughout the Year has suggestions for monthly themes related to events. It can be difficult to find out when different school counseling or school related events take place.  I wrote about A Year of School Counseling in a post about how I find out about education related events.

A Year of School Counseling also includes bookmarks for each month that you can copy and give to students and staff!

A Year of School Counseling is a great resource for school counselors serving students K-12!

I am so excited to have A Year of School Counseling: Tools and Techniques for K-12 Themes Throughout the Year as the first giveaway item so you can start your school year with lots ideas to plan events for the whole school year!

For this giveaway I am using Rafflecopter. The giveaway opens September 1, 2012 and will close at 11:59pm EST September 1, 2012.

***IMPORTANT: In order for your entry to count you MUST leave a comment in the comment section below about how you would use this item in your work as a school counselor!***

a Rafflecopter giveaway

School Counselor Blog Back to School Giveaway

September 1, 2012 - Day 1: A Year of School Counseling {Giveaway} - Carrie V. #19 Winner!
September 2, 2012 - Day 2: Confessions of a Former Bully {Giveaway} - Becky L. #142 Winner!
September 3, 2012 - Day 3: When I Grow Up {Giveaway} - Sabrina P. #116 Winner!
September 4, 2012 - Day 4: Tess's Tree {Giveaway}
September 5, 2012 - Day 5: ????????????????????????
September 6, 2012 - Day 6: ????????????????????????
September 7, 2012 - Day 7: ????????????????????????
September 8, 2012 - Day 8: ????????????????????????
September 9, 2012 - Day 9: ????????????????????????
September 10, 2012 - Day 10: ??????????????????????

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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