Back to Grad School

This school year I will not be returning to my previous school and role as a 5th - 8th grade school counselor. I have known this news for a while. It has been very difficult keeping this from you! I have been waiting until everything was finalized to share this news publicly.

I was accepted into a Counselor Education and Supervision Ph.D. program at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.  During my program I will be serving as a graduate assistant creating programs to support college athletes' academic success!

This is me giving two thumbs up in my Duquesne shirt.  

What preceded the picture above was me literally jumping for joy for after finding out the news I was awarded a graduate assistantship. I had be anxiously awaiting the news all day. Directly after I found out the news (after telling sharing the news with my family, of course) I got in my car and drove to the campus to purchased a t-shirt! 

You may be wondering... "What about your position as a school counselor?!"

I said my good-byes to students and staff at the end of this past school year, which was very difficult for me.

I served as a school counselor in the same K-8 school serving 5-8th graders for three years. I had made so many memories there. I had the opportunity to create so many programs and work with so many amazing students. I will greatly miss working with the students I served and working with my awesome co-counselor!

You may also be wondering... "Is she still going to blog about school counseling?!"

The answer is YES!

Pursuing a Ph.D. will change my role and although I will not be a school counselor in title, I will still be writing about topics and sharing ideas related to school counseling!

Part of my role as a Ph.D. student will be supervising Master's level counselors and completing internship hours. I am sure I will have plenty to experiences and ideas to write about along the way.  I also have lists and lists of ideas for posts that I haven't gotten around to writing yet... so you will see those too!

It has been difficult waiting to tell you this news. When I was saying good-bye to students or when I was moving across the state to Pittsburgh, PA (woot woot!), I wanted to tell you so badly!

You are a a family to me. Many of you have been here with me ever since the beginning, when I was an intern/emergency certified long-term substitute school counselor. You have been here through my ups and downs and kept me motivated and excited even when times were tough.

I want to take this opportunity to say "THANK YOU!" to all of my readers and followers! I greatly appreciate you and the support you have given me through the years!

I am excited to start this new adventure and I am glad to have you with me on this journey!

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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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