Blouse Box + Creativity = Memory Box

I make memory boxes as an activity during my grief and loss groups. Memory boxes allow students a special place to keep mementos of their loved one. I also use the memory boxes as a place for students to store items we create during our group. At the end of the group students take their memory boxes home with them.

In the past, I have purchased photo boxes like the ones below for students to create memory boxes.  
Photo boxes make great memory boxes but it can be expensive to buy one box per student each time you facilitate a group. 

While searching for after-Christmas bargains, I stumbled upon blouse boxes that were deeply discounted. Blouse boxes are not as sturdy as the photo boxes, but they are a great size. They are blank which was a plus for personalizing them with art supplies. I decided to try them out as memory boxes. 

The boxes I purchased were $2.00 for 5. Since it was during an after season sale I was able to purchase them for 75% off, which meant each box cost me about 10 cents! 

Even if you are not able to purchase blouse boxes at a discount like I did, they are still a great cheap alternative. You can be on the look-out for these boxes at dollar stores and seasonally when they are marked down.

I created this memory box to show students an example of how they could decorate their boxes. 

I used Mod PodgeAlphabet Pasting Pieces, and sequins to decorate my memory box. 

I always explain to students that there is no right or wrong way to decorate their box. They can come up with a title, write their loved one's name on it, write their own name on it, etc. I make all of my craft supplies available so they can decorate their boxes with a variety of different things.

I used the blouse boxes for students in individual and group counseling to create memory boxes this previous school year. Students enjoyed decorating the boxes and filling them with memories of their loved ones and items they created as part of individual counselor or group counseling sessions.

Do you make memory boxes with students? What do you use to make memory boxes? 

Other grief and loss group activities:

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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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