School Counselor Gift Idea: Portable Sand Tray Gift "Basket"

When I give new school counselors gifts, I want them to be fun and functional! I want to give them something they will actually use in their work as a new school counselor or school counseling intern.

Last year, I gave my school counseling intern a gift of a portable sand tray.  Instead of just giving her a container of sand I wanted to make a gift "basket" of things she could use to get her started as a school counselor.

In addition to a storage container and sand (see the portable sand tray post for more details) I used colorful tissue paper to wrap some fun items she could use.

First up, BUBBLES! :) 
What school counselor doesn't love bubbles.  There are so many ways school counselors can utilize bubbles in sessions with students!

Squishy Ball!
I got this Squishy Ball at the Target dollar spot (have I mentioned how much I LOVE the Target dollar spot?!).  Balls like this are great for students to fidget with when they are anxious or feeling angry.  You   can give squishy balls like this a good squeeze and relieve some stress!

Sand Toys!
Students love to dig in the sand. Sand Toys like these ones are easy to find this time of the year! 

Army People
Army People are a sand tray must have! They get used VERY often in my sand tray at school. Many battles and conflicts take place using Army People. It is great if you can find them in multiple colors because one color usually ends up being "good" and the other side is "bad." You can find Army People at Dollar Tree, Target Dollar Spot, and most toy stores!

A chick... in an egg?!
Ok, so there's a story behind this one. 

My intern saw this comic in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. She loved this visual image of changing your perspective or pattern of thinking.

So, I searched far and wide to find her something with a chick and an egg to symbolize the "paradigm shift." This Eggbert the Chick Beanie Baby couldn't have been more perfect! It is something she can have in her future office and use as an example for students!

There are lots of other items you could add to a Portable Sand Tray gift "basket." What other gift ideas do you have for a school counselor intern or new school counselor?

Here are some previous posts I wrote about gift ideas for school counselors:

Gift Ideas for School Counseling Interns, Graduate Students, and New School Counselors

Relaxation Basket

School Counselor Survival Kit

Thirty-One Organizing Utility Tote (Giveaway and 10% off your order ends 5/13/12 at 11:59pmEST!)

My office tours also feature lots of great items that any new school counselor would love!

My 2010-2011 Office

My Current Office

I'd love to hear your ideas! Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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