School Counselor Spotlight: Great iPad Apps for School Counselors

Are you looking for great iPad apps to utilize with students as a school counselor? Andrea Burston, an Elementary School Counselor in Raleigh, North Carolina and author of jyjoynercounselor , has the spotlight and will be sharing some of her favorite apps she utilizes as a school counselor. Great iPad Apps for School Counselors by Andrea J. Burston, Raleigh, NC Blog: Many of us are now getting and using iPads in our schools. They certainly make a great addition to our programs! I now find that I use mine fairly regularly (some days more than others, it just depends on the day). I'm often asked about which apps that I recommend to school counselors and how they are used. So here's my list (in no particular order). Most of these apps are free, however, for the few apps that I bought, I used an iTunes gift card (put that on your school wish list for next year). Scribble Press (f...