Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 2

Wow, time has flown by since I wrote the Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 1 post! Since I wrote the post I have facilitated the Bullying and Bar Graph: Part 1 in six classrooms and have facilitated the Bullying and Bar Graphs Part 2 in three classrooms. Students love seeing their results and having a conversation about what the bullying issues are in their classroom.

Preparing for Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 2

Bar Graph Paper
I used Post-it Self Stick easel paper. Using eight pieces of Post-it Self Stick easel paper, I wrote one of the eight questions on each sheet.  I then created an x and y axis for students to use when graphing each question.

I also cut sheets of Post-it Self Stick easel paper into four pieces and labeled it "solutions" sheet for each question.

Question Bags
I found these mini purple canvas bags over the summer before school started this year in the dollar spot at Target.
They were sold in three-packs for $1.00, but they were on sale for $0.25 (75% off!). I wasn't sure what to use them for at the time but I purchased them anyway. I couldn't pass up a price like that! I got lots of feedback on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page of ways I could use the mini-canvas bags.

I was excited to finally use the mini canvas bags for this lesson!

I decided to use the mini-canvas bags to accompany each question.

I printed the 1-8 cards on to a piece of AstroBrights hot pink cardstock. I then used a Fiskars Scalloped Squeeze punch that I recently purchased to cut out a tag for on each bag. I stapled the tag to the front of each bag.

I then filled each numbered question bag with the student response cards from each question. I also added few markers so students could write solutions on their solution sheet. ***Note: It is very important to check the results of the survey and compare that to the student responses. Some of the response cards did not match the survey results and I had to fix the bags before the lesson to make it accurate.

Facilitating Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 2
Armed with my question bags and pre-made graph sheets I headed to the classrooms.  My intern and I stuck the graph sheets and solution sheet on the walls throughout the classroom. We then did an example of what we wanted students to do.

I explained that they would open up their question bag and take out the orange and green response cards. They would then affix the cards to the graph sheet.

We then explained that as a group they would need to look at their graph and try to figure out what the graph was saying. They then would try to come up with solutions for the results of their graph or ways they as a class could combat the problem.

***Note: We walked around and put lines of adhesive dots on each student's graph sheet so they could easily stick the response cards on. We used this instead of tape so that we could reuse the cards and the graph sheets. The adhesive dots come off easily when rubbed. Another way you could do this is to laminate the graph sheets. Our laminator at school isn't working so I didn't have that option.  I divided students in to seven groups by having them count off.

I divided students up into seven groups by having them count off. I gave each group a bag and instructed them to find the graph with the same number as their bag.

Here is an example of a completed graph sheet with student responses. The question was "Was someone mean to you because of how you look?"  15 students responded "Yes" and 12 students responded "No." We can see from this graph that over 50% of the class has experienced someone being mean to them because of how they look.

Students came up with solutions for their questions that included "telling an adult," telling a teacher, counselor, or parent," "walking away," "ignoring the situation," etc.

I am planning to help students to come up with more proactive and preventative solutions through providing classroom lessons on various topics related to bullying.

Facilitating this lesson and using the student responses were great way to help me determine what follow up lessons are needed in the grade level and what problems are most prevalent in each class. Out of all of the classes name-calling was the number one problem.

So, it looks like I will be doing a follow-up lesson soon on name-calling!

How will you use the results of the Bullying and Bar Graphs lesson? Have you ever facilitated a lesson that integrates another subject? 

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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