Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 1

While planning bullying lessons for 5th grade classes, I found a great lesson, "Bullying Survey," from Teaching Tolerance. This activity not only starts a conversation about bullying, but can easily be integrated into a math class!

I facilitated a two part lesson based on the "Bullying Survey" activity from Teaching Tolerance. The activity includes giving the students a bullying survey and having students graph the survey results. Through this activity, students see what the problem areas are in their classroom and provide solutions for the problem areas.

I scheduled thirty minutes for each Part of the lesson.

Preparation for Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 1
Students respond to the pencil and paper version bullying survey and then use "tickets" to record their answers for the graphs.

I thought double sided response cards would make it easier for students to record their answers for the bullying survey.  I made two sets of cards for each student using AstroBrights cardstock. I made a neon green set of response cards with "YES" on one side and 1-8 on the other side and neon orange set of response cards cards with "NO" on one side and 1-8 on the other side.  I put a set of "yes" cards and "no" cards in a plastic zipper bag for each student.

On the first try I had kids pass out loose response cards to their classmates. Needless to say it was a little chaotic. Handing the response cards out in plastic zipper bags worked MUCH better.

If you are facilitating this activity for multiple classes back to back it is important to note that you will need to resort the cards after each class so you have enough cards for each student.  I scheduled the lessons so I would facilitate both parts of the lesson with one class before I starting the next set of lessons with another classroom.

You can download the template for the cards I created by clicking on the images or on the highlighted text. You will need to print the 1-8 cards and the document with the yes and no cards. Then, assemble them to print double sided.

Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 1
I started Part 1 of the lesson by handing out the bullying survey and a bag of cards to students. I passed the bullying surveys out face down and told them not to flip the survey over until I instructed them to do so.

I stated the following to students:

Each student has two sets of cards, a yes set and a no set.  The cards have numbers on the back for each question on the bullying survey.  While we are taking the survey, I want you to record your answer on your bullying survey paper and pick the card that matches your answer for each question.  

For example, if I am answering YES to question number one, I would take out the green yes card with the one on the back and put it aside.  The next question if I picked no for my answer, I would find the orange no card with a 2 on the back.

I am the only one who will see your personal answers. In order for us to see what bullying problems exist in your classroom it is important for you to answer honestly. 

After explaining what students would do while taking the survey, I read each question aloud to students.

After each questions I instructed students:

If you are answering yes you will pick the green yes card with the number _______ on the back. If you are answering no to this question, you will pick the orange no card with the number ______ on the back. 

When students completed the survey, I collected their paper copies and their green and orange response cards.  I asked students to put the cards they did not use for their responses in their plastic zipper bags so it was easier for me to come around and collect their responses.

In Bullying and Bar Graphs: Part 2 I discuss how I facilitated the second half of the lesson.

How would you use the Teaching Tolerance Bullying Survey with students? How have you integrated a school counseling lesson into a core subject?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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