Self-Esteem Group Planner Printable

Lately I have been trying to come up with ways to make what I do more purposeful in an effort to avoid doing "Random Acts of Guidance." :)

I decided to create ways to keep track of what I am doing how what I am doing aligns to ASCA standards.

The first thing I have created is a group session planner to store and record group sessions I facilitate with students.

My goal is to make a group session planner for each of the groups I facilitate.  This will help me determine which ASCA standards I am addressing during each session. Using a group session planner will not only help me in the short term, but it will help me in the long term when I plan to facilitate the activity or lesson again!

The first group planner I created is a Self-Esteem Group Planner.  I created a PDF file of the Self-Esteem Group Planner you can download by clicking on the highlighted text or by clicking on the pictures!

The first page of the Self-Esteem Group Planner includes a section to record the grade, name, and teacher of the group members.  There is also a space to write about the group goals and the focus of the groups.  You could also write any other notes you may have before beginning the group.

The second page of the Self-Esteem Group Planner has space for you to record the Session Number and the date at the top.  There are four boxes to include information.  The first box, LEQ is the Learning Essential Question, or the question you want students to be able to answer at the end of the lesson/group. The second box is a space to record the ASCA standards you are addressing in the session.  The third box is for resources or materials you may need for the session. The fourth box is a space for any session notes you may have.

The Self-Esteem Group Planner has already begun to help me be more focused and purposeful.  I hope it helps you as well! So far this year I have facilitated a self-esteem group for 5th grade girls and a self-esteem group for 5th grade boys.  I wish I would have created this at the beginning of the group so that I would have a finished one! I will be sharing some of the group sessions I already recorded with you, but my planner is at school right now.

Feel free to print and share the Self-Esteem Group Planner with other school counselors!

What group session planners would you like me to create and share on School Counselor Blog?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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