Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner Printable

I planned with the teachers to come in for a series of lessons with 5th grade during their morning meeting time. I am making a schedule so that I will facilitate two lessons in each classroom and then start at the first class again for more sessions. I am working on planning the lessons so they will go in a progression.
In my continued attempt to avoid "Random Acts of Guidance," I decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to create a classroom lesson planner for bullying. I created the classroom lesson planner to help me keep track of what lessons I plan to facilitate and how they align to ASCA standards.
The first classroom lesson planner I created is a Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner. I created a PDF file of the Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner you can download by clicking on the highlighted text or by clicking on the pictures!
The first page of the Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner includes a section to record the grade, teacher, and schedule for when you plan to facilitate the lessons. There is also a space to write about the objectives for the lessons. In this section you can also record any information that will help you plan or select lessons you will facilitate.
The second page of the Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner has space for you to record the Lesson Number and the date at the top. There are four boxes to include information. The first box, LEQ is the Learning Essential Question, or the question you want students to be able to answer at the end of the lesson. The second box is a space to record the ASCA standards you are addressing in the lesson. The third box is for resources or materials you may need for the lesson. The fourth box is a space for any notes you may have about the lesson and ideas for follow-up lessons.I am very excited to use the Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner to plan my bullying lessons! I love that I will be able to look back to this planner to see what I did and what ASCA standards I met by facilitating the lessons!
Feel free to print and share the Bullying Classroom Lesson Planner with other school counselors!
Also check out the Self-Esteem Group Planner I shared in my previous post!
What other classroom lesson planners would you like me to create and share on School Counselor Blog?
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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.