My Current School Counseling Office "Show and Tell"

On the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page we are sharing pictures of our School Counseling Offices in the School Counselor Blog School Counseling Office "Show and Tell!"

If you are a regular School Counselor Blog reader, you probably know I used to have a small classroom as an office. It was an amazing space and I was able to do so much with it.

I now have a much smaller office in a suite with the other school counselor I work with and the school social worker. I have had to be creative with my space since I downsized. It is still hard to fit everything it... but I am beginning to adjust.

This is a view of the door leading into my office. I have my career area right beside the door. I also have applications for 8th graders to apply for 9th grade programs. 

Here is a view of my desk and the far right side of my office from the door. I used clear storage containers to put lots of materials and supplies in them. I used construction paper and my crayola slick stix to make the labels on the drawers.

 Here is another view of my desk area and the far right side of my office. It is a little hard to see, but I can't push my chair in the whole way because I have books and binders under the desk where feet should go. I love the banner that says "Children need to be seen, heard, and believed." My intern last spring designed it for me as a gift (from VistaPrint)! 

 Here is a view of the left and back corner of my office. I maximize every ounce of space! I use window coverings, window sills, etc to display student work and resources.  You can see my "Kid Drawn Emotions" feeling posters on the wall. On the curtain there are mini goal mountains girls in one of my groups made.

This is a view of the left side of my office. I purchased chairs for the table because the chairs that were provided for me took up to much room. I was able to get ottomans at Target that have storage in them that I use for seats for one side of the table.  The other side of the table has folding chairs that I purchased. I keep an extra folding chair behind the door. There is a good shot of my "Feeling Puzzled" bulletin board and my "Where's Mrs. Schultz?" sign!

I would love to hear your comments and ideas about my office! I would also love for you to share a picture of yours on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page! Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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