How are SCHOOL COUNSELORS like LEGOS? - Theme Idea for National School Counseling Week

I am linking up this previous National School Counseling Week post to the National School Counseling Week 2013 Link Party! There you will find lots of other posts by school counselors all over the country and how they are celebrating and advocating during National School Counseling Week. You can also share your ideas by participating in the Link Party!

National School Counseling Week 2012 is February 6th through 10th!

I have a few National School Counseling Week Theme ideas swirling around in my head. I want to share them with you before it is too late for you to plan and get started! I will be sharing one theme/idea in each of my next few posts.

The American School Counselor Association has great resources available for planning and implementing National School Counseling Week.  The sample morning announcements are great and can tie into some of the themes ideas I will share.

Last year I made cards that said "Teachers, Administrators, and School Counselors work together for student success!" and put mini 3 Musketeers in staff mailboxes.

This year I want to make the focus more on School Counselors and what School Counselors do to benefit students!

National School Counseling Week Lego Theme

I think this is the theme I am going to end up going with this year at my school and for my local school counselor meeting that happens to be during National School Counseling Week.


School counselors help students build bright futures. Get it?! Legos... build...bright.... ;)

School counselors also connect with stakeholders to support students!

I am excited by this theme because most kids know have seen Legos before. I like the idea of taking something students are already familiar with and associating it with school counseling.

I think it would be fun to ask students to come up with ways that School Counselors are like Legos or ways that school counselors help students build bright futures. This message would also be cute on a card for teachers and staff including some of the ways that school counselors help students build bright futures... such as classroom lessons, individual counseling, group counseling, school wide programing, etc.

I created the "School counselors help students build bright futures!" image above using microsoft word text boxes and shapes.  You can download a pdf of it here.

Guess How Many Legos!

I got an idea to do a Lego guessing game from Pinterest.  I think this would be fun game for faculty, staff and students!

The Lego guessing game super easy to make! I filled a hurricane vase with Legos and printed "Guess How Many Legos!" on a piece of yellow card stock.  If you want to print the same size/font I made a pdf file of it here.

I can't decide whether I want to stand the sign beside the vase or stick it inside the vase.

Lego Themed Prizes!

I thought the "Legos" below were soooo cool. They are actually crayons! I want to give away Lego shaped crayons as a prize for guessing the correct number of the Lego guessing game and for other giveaway/prizes throughout the week.

Source: via Danielle on Pinterest

I got the idea to make Lego shaped crayons from Pinterest. To make the "Legos" you need Lego ice cube tray and crayons from the dollar store. If you click on the picture you will be linked to instructions on how to make them. I just got my Lego ice cube tray in the mail and I plan to make the Lego crayons sometime this week!

More Lego Ideas!

I have found so many Lego party ideas on Pinterest and have added them to my National School Counseling Week Pinterest Board. Here are a few of my favorites:

The picture above is of juice boxes, but I think it would be super cute to wrap miniature candy bars and put them in staff mailboxes with the "School counselors help students build bright futures!" theme message attached.

LOVE these shoes!

I am seriously contemplating doing this to a pair of heels for National School Counseling Week.

How funny would it be as a student to see your School Counselor in these?!

Another clever way you could put a message in staff mailboxes!

I hope these Lego themed ideas spark your creativity for National School Counseling Week!

How would you use a Lego theme to celebrate National School Counseling Week? What events or programing are you planning for National School Counseling Week?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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