Career Finds from My Recent Ikea Trip

Big Blue Ikea bag = Happiness! :)
I LOVE Ikea!

One of the perks of living in Pittsburgh was having an Ikea close by! I would go to Ikea all the time and find lots of cool things for my school counseling office.

On Monday, I presented at the Montgomery County Counseling Association (MCCA) on "Essentials of Becoming a Tech Savvy School Counselor" in King of Prussia, PA. I took a personal day so I would have plenty of time to get there and would not be caught up in something at school.

Before I left I looked to see if there was a Ikea anywhere near King of Prussia. Sure enough there was one in Consohohocken, PA! I was so excited to make an Ikea stop!

One of the things I went to Ikea in search of was this DUKTIG Toolbelt. When I found it in the store it was much smaller than I expected (I think it is for a toddler) but I still purchased it anyway. I figured I could still use the tools in a Home Depot belt that I had at school. I was also thinking about adding more velcro to it to make it longer... but not sure.

Then I saw this adorable GOSIG Vet Bag! So many of my students expressed interest in being a veterinarian. I thought this would be a great addition to the career items in my office.

I had to get a stuffed animal to go with the vet bag... so I got this adorable GOSIG VALP Stuffed Dog! I was looking for a cat too, but I they didn't have one. :(

Here is a picture of the GOSIG Vet Bag in action with the GOSIG VALP Stuffed Dog. He looks so sad in his cone!

My new Ikea finds have only been in my office since Wednesday, but they are already getting lots of use. Students LOVE the vet bag and the dog! He has had all of the band aids, cast, and cone on him at once! (poor thing...) ;) I love that these items can start a dialogue about careers!

While at Ikea I got the idea to dress up as a veterinarian for our school Dream Career Day on October 24th. I am going to borrow a white lab coat from my brother and bring along the vet bag and the dog! Dream Career Day is part of our career-themed Red Ribbon Week.

I purchased this KUSINER Wall Pocket to hang on my wall at school. There are so many things you could store in this 6-pocket wall storage. I plan to store career dress up items in it.

There are lots of colorful and fun children's items at Ikea. I probably could have spent hours in there and purchased many more things, but my focus was career items while I was there.

What school counseling finds have you found at Ikea? What are your favorite things to purchase there? Comment below, tweet, contact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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