Dress For Success Day and Drug Free Pledge: Red Ribbon Week 2011

Today was Dress for Success Day! Many students and staff dressed their best - ready for success! Everyone looked sharp and carried themselves with pride!

I also started hanging up drug free pledge sheets in the lobby today with lots of help of student council members. All students in our K-8 school were asked to sign a pledge sheet about how they will be drug free for their future. Here is a PDF copy of the pledge sheet. The pledge sheet states "I want a future as bright as can be! I'm making it my goal to be drug free1 I pledge to be drug free for my future by..." and gives space for students to write how they will be drug free for their future. 

Student council members are also reading a drug free pledge during the announcements this week. One of the other school counselors in our district shared this pledge with us!

Drug Free Pledge
I pledge allegiance to myself,
And to who I want to be
'Cause I can make my dreams come true
If I believe in me.
I pledge to stay in school and learn
The things I need to know
To make the world a better place
For kids like me to grow.
I pledge to keep my dreams alive
And be all I can be.
I know I can
and that's because
I pledge to stay drug free.
Tomorrow we are celebrating Wear Red Day! Our theme is "Celebrate Red Ribbon Week! Not just for a day - but for life!" Students are encouraged to wear red and pledge to be drug free for their future.

Also, check out the other posts I have written with Red Ribbon Week Ideas:

Red Ribbon Week Ideas 
BEE Drug Free Grocery Bag Decorations
College Pennant Display
Career Day Costume Idea - Vet

Red Ribbon Week 2011*  I will be continuing to add more posts to this list this week!

College Door Decorating Contest and Spirit Day
College, University, Military, and Trade School Day
Dress for Success and Drug Free Pledges

Wear Red Day

You can also access the google doc I created of the Red Ribbon Week theme flyer we handed out to teachers and posted around the school.  

How are you celebrating Red Ribbon Week this year? What themes are you using? Where do you find Red Ribbon Week ideas? Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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