Red Ribbon Week Ideas 2010

Penn State Nittany Lion posing with our
Red Ribbon Week Drug Free Pledge
Red Ribbon Week is Monday, October 24th through Friday, October 29th. Red Ribbon Week is a week to raise awareness about the importance of being drug free.

Last year our theme for Red Ribbon week was "Believe, Achieve, Succeed - Drug Free!" All of the events we planned for Red Ribbon Week were related career to reinforce the school to career connection and the importance of students choosing to be drug free for their future.

Below are descriptions of the theme days and events we hosted for our Red Ribbon Week last year. 

School Spirit Day
For School Spirit Day we are asked all students, faculty, and staff to show school pride by wearing school colors.

Our school colors are black and gold. We had a good level of participation in this day, especially because so many of our teachers are Steelers fans!

College, University, Trade School, and Military Day
For College, University, Trade School, and Military Day we are asked students to show pride for their future by wearing a favorite college, university, trade school, or military shirt. Faculty and staff were also encouraged to participate.

I loved that teachers and principals really got into this day. One of our assistant principals wore his Temple hoodie with his suit pants!

We contacted local colleges, universities, trade schools, and military recruitment agencies to get giveaways, such as shirts, pens, pencils, stickers, pins, and pennants. We used the giveaways as prizes for our Positive School Wide Behavior Intervention and Support Plan (SWPBIS).  This year in addition to the giveaways we are asking for a pennant to display!

We also had a special guest appearance by the Penn State University Nittany Lion! Students were so excited to meet him! The Nittany Lion even got his picture taken with our drug free pledge:"We want a future as bright as can be... we are making it our goal to be DRUG FREE!"

Dress for Success Day
On Dress for Success Day, students, faculty, and staff were encouraged to dress their best and look ready for success. Students and staff wore professional business attire! Everyone looked great!

Dream Career Day For Dream Career Day, we encouraged students to answer the question: What is your dream career? Students were permitted to wear clothing that matched their future career dream. For example, if a student wants to be in the army, they could wear a camouflage outfit. If the student wants to be a nurse or a doctor, they could wear scrubs)

We had great participation in Dream Career Day! We had students and teachers dressed up as doctors, lawyers, football players, actors, scientists, construction workers, and much more! I dressed up as an FBI agent and even made my own badge! :)

Wear Red Day
For Wear Red Day we are encouraged students, faculty, and staff to wear red and pledge to be drug free for their future! Our theme that day was: “Celebrate Red Ribbon Week –not just for a day, but for life!” During the week students could sign our "We want a future as bright as can be... we are making it our goal to be drug free!" pledge in the cafeteria during student lunches.

Our school was a sea of red on Wear Red Day! So many classes had full participation with every student in the room wearing red. We gave away pizza parties to the classrooms who had full participation!

Also, check out the other posts I have written with Red Ribbon Week Ideas:

Red Ribbon Week Ideas 
BEE Drug Free Grocery Bag Decorations
College Pennant Display
Career Day Costume Idea - Vet

Red Ribbon Week 2011*  I will be continuing to add more posts to this list this week!

College Door Decorating Contest and Spirit Day
College, University, Military, and Trade School Day
Dress for Success and Drug Free Pledges

Wear Red Day

How are you celebrating Red Ribbon Week this year? What themes are you using? Where do you find Red Ribbon Week ideas? Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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