{giveaway} *Winner Announced* "Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them": School Counselor Blog Back to School Contest Day 6

Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them: Ready-to-Use Discussions on Stress, Identity, Feelings, Relationships, Family, and the FutureI am so excited to host the School Counselor Blog Back to School Contest, which is 10 days of daily giveaways starting September 1st and ending on September 10th!

Today is day six of the School Counselor Blog Back to School Contest.

Today's giveaway for the School Counselor Blog Back to School Contest is Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them: Ready-to-Use Discussions on Stress, Identity, Feelings, Relationships, Family, and the Future by Dr. Jean Sunde Peterson from Free Spirit Publishing.

Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them: Ready-to-Use Discussions on Stress, Identity, Feelings, Relationships, Family, and the Future is a brand new book geared for students in grades 6-12. I just received a review copy of this book from Free Spirit Publishing and I am excited to use it with the students I serve in grades 5-8.

Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them includes 75 guided discussions in six focus areas: stress, identity, feelings, relationships, family, and the future. Each section has background information, objectives, and session outlines.

Some of the activities in Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them I am looking forward to using with students include:

"Pieces of the Pie," an activity where students graph how they spend their time and how they would like to spend their time.

"Stress Boxes," an activity where students record stressors, determine how much stressor produces and determine whether the stressors are short-term stressors or long-term stressors.

"My Story," a sentence completion activity where students pretend to write a story about their life.

Although Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them is geared toward small groups, it could definitely be used for individual sessions and classroom lessons. It is evident that the activities are meant to spark discussion about challenges that are difficult for teens to talk about.

For more information and sample sessions from Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them, check out Free Spirit Publishing's website or click on the links below for free downloads.

Table of Contents
Introduction - There is a section in the introduction about how this book can help school counselors meet ASCA National Standards! :)
Focus: Stress - Sample Background Information
Focus: Identity - Sample Session
Focus: Relationships - Bullying

Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them: Ready-to-Use Discussions on Stress, Identity, Feelings, Relationships, Family, and the Future conveniently comes with a CD with all the handouts that you need to print, including a parent letter and group evaluation! It is great to be able to print from the CD instead of having to photocopy pages (we all know that photocopies don't always come out like you want them to).

The Giveaway:
One lucky winner (U.S. only) will be chosen at random to win a copy of Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them: Ready-to-Use Discussions on Stress, Identity, Feelings, Relationships, Family, and the Future by Dr. Jean Sunde Peterson. The contest for this giveaway will be closed at midnight and a winner will be announced on this item's contest page on September 7th.

How to enter:
Add a relevant comment to this contest page about how you would use Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them: Ready-to-Use Discussions on Stress, Identity, Feelings, Relationships, Family, and the Future in your work with students. The comment must appear on this item's contest page (this page). 

Want bonus entries?
Share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or your Blog, about the contest or a specific item's contest page. Make sure to provide links back to the contest page or a specific item's contest page. For each place you visit and do this, come back to the item's contest page and leave a comment explaining where you shared information about the contest!

Good luck everyone!


Congratulations to Charlene Gormley!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest and shared great ideas of how you would use Talk With Teens About What Matters to Them in your work with students!

Comments are now closed.

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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