Think Outside of the USB Drive! (FREE File Hosting and File Sharing with DropBox!)

Are you sick of toting around a USB flash drive? Do you find yourself searching through your inbox to find files you sent.... to yourself? Do you wish there was a quick and easy way to access your files from anywhere? DropBox is your answer!

DropBox is a FREE file hosting program that you can download on multiple computers, access online, and access by smart phone.

My daD told me about DropBox a long, long time ago. I was an early adopter, but I did not really understand how DropBox could be beneficial to me as a school counselor until the beginning of this school year.

Let's compare USB flash drives to DropBox...

I have a million USB flash drives... Ok, so maybe that is an exaggeration. I have waaaaay too many USB drives.

USB drives are easy to lose. You have to keep track of USB flash drives. You have to plug a USB flash drive into a computer's USB drive.

DropBox allows you to access files from anywhere you can connect to the Internet, offline via the downloaded program, and even on your smart phone! With DropBox you can even SHARE files or folders with others!

USB flash drives cost money. (Ok, some are FREE if you get them at a conference, from colleges, or from the Army).

DropBox is FREE for 2GB of storage.

Here's how I am using DropBox...

This year I made a folder of all of my school files on the desktop of my laptop. I then dropped the folder into my DropBox file on my laptop.  When I got to work I downloaded DropBox for my school computer. After the download was complete, I logged in and opened the DropBox file. Voilà! Like magic my folders and files were there!

No more emailing files to myself. No more endless searches through my inbox.  No more searching all over (my house, car, office, etc.) for my USB flash drive.

Now I can quickly access all of the files I need from home on my desktop at school, online, and on my phone! All of my files are right there at my fingertips!

DropBox truly is amazing! Check out the DropBox to learn more and watch a video!

Join DropBox by clicking on the links within this post and you will get an extra 250MB of FREE space!

Once you join you can invite friends and earn even more space up to 8GB!

How will you use DropBox in your work as a school counselor? What other file sharing websites or programs do you use? Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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