Drop It [To Me] Like It's Hot

While planning my career interest inventory implementation, I realized I needed a back up plan for printing...

I was planning to have students print their career inventory results, but I wanted to have a back up plan in case the printers weren't working. This happens a lot at my school... so I wanted to be prepared.

I went in search of a fast and easy way for students to send me files. Students at my school do not have school email so I needed a solution that would not require email.

I discovered DROPitTOme a great FREE tool you can utilize in conjunction with DropBox to securely receive files from anyone!  I wrote a post yesterday encouraging readers to Think Outside of The USB Drive by utilizing DropBox for FREE online file hosting and file storage.

DROPitTOme is quick and easy to use. After you register for a FREE DropBox account and a FREE DROPitTOme account, you can use DROPitTOme to receive files from anyone via a password protected upload page. The uploaded file appears in a folder in DropBox titled "DROitTOme."

I used DROPitTOme today for 8th grade students to send me their career interest inventory results. I had them save their career interest inventory results to a Word Document using their first and last name as the title.  For example, my file would have been danielle_schultz.docx.

I gave students the link to my DROPitTOme upload page and the password so they could upload their file.  Students caught on really quickly to using DROPitTOme when they realized that it was "just like uploading a picture to Facebook." They thought the title was funny and said it was like, "Drop It Like It's Hot!"

I can now log in to my DropBox account and view all of the students' career interest inventory results in the folder titled "DROitTOme." I transfered the files to a different folder once they were uploaded so that I had enough space for more uploads.

I love that DROPitTOme gives me the ability to keep digital versions of students' results without utilizing email. I can now view students' results and print them anytime!

Check out the video below for step by step instructions on how to use DROPitTOme.

How will you utilize DropBox and DROPitTOme in your work as a school counselor? What other file sharing websites or programs do you use? Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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