#SCCHAT Transcript: First Ever School Counselor Tweet Chat (August 3, 2011)

The first ever School Counselor Tweet Chat was a huge success!

We chatted about a number of topics including data, accountability, RAMP, choosing members for an advisory council, ratios, the "g" word, ideas and resources for starting a new school year, and goals for the new school year!

Read PART 1, read PART 2 below or access the full version via google documents.  To access all of the tweets with the hashtag #sctweetchat, click here.

Did you participate in the first ever School Counselor Tweet Chat? What did you think about it? What new ideas did you learn? Comment below, tweet, or contact Danielle, share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

Transcript from the School Counselor Tweet Chat on 
August 3, 2011 at 7:00pm Eastern Time.


To read the chat in order, scroll to the bottom of the page and read from the bottom up!

To read PART 1 of the transcript click here!

For a full version of the School Counselor Tweet Chat click here!

For all tweets with the hashtag #sctweetchat click here!

dillonxv Matthew Dillon 
Great list! “@sch_counselor: I made Amazon listmania lists of some of my favorite books/resources: amzn.to/pCLoRR #sctweetchat” #Edchat

dillonxv Matthew Dillon 
School counselors R vital resources for staff & parents, strongly influence school culture & student success. #sctweetchat #Edchat #cpchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
Game changer. Love it. @RT @ecmmason@ASCAtweets @sch_counselor go to #sctweetchat. It was AWESOME. Total game changer.

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
@ImPEARLfect_Me Good luck to you! I'm always more than happy to share. Use #schoolcounselor or #sctweetchat to connect with others too.

dillonxv Matthew Dillon 
As an assistant principal & former K-12 school counselor, I highly recommend edu leaders check out the next #sctweetchat - #Edchat #cpchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
@ASCAtweets @sch_counselor go to #sctweetchat. It was AWESOME. Total game changer.

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
Check out the 1st ever School Counselor Twitter Chat at #sctweetchat

deltacounselor Deanna Shuler 
@jennhadams I have that book. Great idea! #Sctweetchat

milwaukeemeagan Meagan B Schultz 
i've been following this chat so intently my kitchen is filled with smoke and my rice is black. Must go now! Thanks so much! #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@jenniferg92 Thanks so much Jennifer it was so much fun and made possible by the amazing school counselors who participated! #Sctweetchat

ACinIowa Aaron Cretin 
@sch_counselor Thanks so much for organizing! So exciting for our PLN's after seeing the power of other chat's! #Sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@sch_counselor: Okay great! I subscribe to that, too. :) You are a great help #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I will be making a transcript of the chat and posting it on my blog! I will update everyone via twitter when it is posted! #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
Agreed. RT @jenniferg92: This has been gr8! If you like what someone said, RT &I hope you choose to 'follow' them#sctweetchat

ACinIowa Aaron Cretin 
Sorry I missed it-enjoying the conversation! #Sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@KaySita14 Great meeting you too! Look forward to seeing you next time! #Sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
Thx! Loved it! RT @juliavtaylor@sch_counselor - you rock! Thank you so much for organize the first of many tweetups! #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
Great meeting all of you! Such an awesome system of support we have in each other. :) #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor  
@sch_counselor - you rock! Thank you so much for organize the first of many tweetups! #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
PLN=Professional Learning Network! #sctweetchat

MSWchildfamily Charlene Gormley 
@sch_counselor Let's definitely make this a regular event! Thanks for hosting!!! #sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
Thanks everyone. Have a great school year! #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@sch_counselor Will you send us the transcript? #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
Thanx! Loved every min! RT @SchoolCounslr@sch_counselorthank you for organizing, facilitating and sharing. Much appreciated! #Sctweetchat

addisoncounsels addisoncounsels 
Insanity..RT @KaySita14@addisoncounsels Ugh! I can't believe that! So unfair. What do they really expect to happen out there? #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
You're welcome! It was a blast! RT @MelodiHoward: Thanks for hosting sch_counselor! Have a great night everyone. #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@sch_counselor Thank you for organizing this for us! #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
Hugs to all! Happy beginning days of school! #Sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
We will have a variety of hosts and hopefully make this a regular thing! It has been so much fun! #Sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@Senorita_Payne : I would love to learn more about how to implement these. I have the same goal. #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
I'm inspired AND I have new resources! Thanks all! #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
Thanks everyone for participating in the 1st Ever #Sctweetchat! Stay tuned for announcements of the next one!

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
Thanks for hosting sch_counselor! Have a great night everyone.#sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
@sch_counselor thank you for organizing, facilitating and sharing. Much appreciated! #Sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
I love outreach. Not only does it get SC's mingling w/ the students, but really sends a powerful message to all students. #sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
thanks for the SCB @sch_counselor and for the chat. this was great!! #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@jennhadams Thats really great! #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
It's been gr8! RT @SchoolCounslr: Just wanted to say I'm grateful for tonight's opportunity to chat. You all have inspired me! #Sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
RE http://bit.ly/oGkAej Indeed! I'm fired up! #Sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
Love these goals! They are all great and inspiring! #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
I also want to learn more about community resources to refer to parents. #sctweetchat
ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason  
@ConnieMWard #sctweetchat GREAT GOAL!

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
One of my goals is to use more technology in reaching our parents and educating them more about the role of a SCHOOL counselor. #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
Just wanted to say I'm grateful for tonight's opportunity to chat. You all have inspired me! #Sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
#1 Goal (besides teaching FT and interning) is to reduce bullying through leadership groups #sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
My goal this school year is to be a better resource for parents.#sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@ConnieMWard Great goal!! :) #sctweetchat

milwaukeemeagan Meagan B Schultz 
I would also like to learn the names of ALL of our students!#sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
@NaGrosshandler It's okay, admitting you have a "g" problem is the first step... :) #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
Funny: When I left my last SC position, I had talked to much to my principal about ASCA, he said "Get your ASCA outta here!" #Sctweetchat

TokenYankeeRach Rachel Wolf 
Thanks for the valuable info everyone! I am feeling super excited and inspired for the new school year! #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
My goals are to understand the needs of my school & build relationships (students, parents, staff, community) by being visible #sctweetchat

milwaukeemeagan Meagan B Schultz 
my goal: to PLAN ahead this year so i can be proactive and not always reactive. #sctweetchat

MSWchildfamily Charlene Gormley 
My number one goal is to survive and help as many "starfish" as I can this year! #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I have so many goals for this year, but my No.1 is data, data, and more data!! #sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
@NaGrosshandler thanks for your input tonight. nice to chat with you! #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@sch_counselor: I really want to reduce bullying incidents and need staff to help but don't know how 2 really get them onboard. #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
I try help admin use the term "school counselor." #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
One of my goals is to have Parent Nights in both English and Spanish. #Sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
My No. 1 goal this year is to use more social media in teaching my SC students. #Sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
Like it! RT @ConnieMWard: They say, "Oh, like a guidance counselor?" and I say, "No. Not at all." #sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
You may know this site http://any-book-in-print.com/ but they offer discounts for educators. #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward  
@KaySita14 We have to! Spread the word! #sctweetchat
hammietime Hamilton Freeman 
how do you handle students and social media? #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
What is your No.1 goal for this school year? #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
To end our chat, let's talk about goals as @ecmmason suggested last night! I think it will be a great way to end our chat! #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 

KaySita14 KaySita 
@addisoncounsels Ugh! I can't believe that! So unfair. What do they really expect to happen out there? #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
#sctweetchat Ok everyone ..have to go get my son in bed..hes fighting it..nice to talk to everyone..followng a bunch more of you now

KaySita14 KaySita 
@NaGrosshandler It's okay. Now you know. ;-) thanks for recognizing and wanting to change. #sctweetchat

MSWchildfamily Charlene Gormley 
Used book stores to be FABULOUS resources for books/games at super low prices. They usually offer discounts to school employees #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
Current and future generation of PSCs will eradicate the "G" word! #Sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams  
@sch_counselor @MSWchildfamily I use my Chill Out Bag from Youth Light quite often. #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
Yes! RT @sch_counselor: The thing that makes me the most mad about the "g" word is the negative connotation attached to it...#sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I don't people to have that perception of me!!!!! #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
Of course, we're cnslrs! RT @sch_counselor: I advertised that we were going to end at 8:00, but I think we can go a bit longer #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
The thing that makes me the most mad about the "g" word is the negative connotation attached to it... #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
Soft tissue- a must. #Sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@ConnieMWard: We'll just keep telling them different til they get it, right? ;-) #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 

hammietime Hamilton Freeman 
RT @ConnieMWard: I tell people Im a school counselor. They say, "Oh, like a guidance counselor?" and I say, "No. Not at all." #sctweetchat

addisoncounsels addisoncounsels 
Very demoralizing....#unreal RT @NaGrosshandler@addisoncounsels #sctweetchat O heard Yonkers let go every school counselor

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
@MSWchildfamily #sctweetchat Self-Esteem Shop, Youthlight for stuff. Must have for me was a small hand held puzzle for kids k-12.

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
RT @ConnieMWard: I tell people I'm a school counselor. They say, "Oh, like a guidance counselor?" and I say, "No. Not at all." #sctweetchat

milwaukeemeagan Meagan B Schultz 
i used the book 'how are you peeling' a lot with the little ones last year - great for talking abt feelings/describing feelings #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
I tell people I'm a school counselor. They say, "Oh, like a guidance counselor?" and I say, "No. Not at all." #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler
@jenniferg92 #sctweetchat..not gonna lie,, I do that..must stop now.. be the change!

addisoncounsels addisoncounsels 
{That is an understatement. Very disheartening!}RT @sch_counselor@addisoncounsels That is insane!!!#sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@sch_counselor: Ha ha! And fitting for only that time period. #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
Ditto!RT@KaySita14:I always make it a point to call myself a School Counselor to everyone regardless if they refer to me as "g" #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@juliavtaylor #sctweetchat you have strengthened my commitment to no "g" word in my office this year!

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I say tthe "g" word is so early 1900s ;) #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
@juliavtaylor@NaGrosshandler I work with a gr8 vet cnslr who answers our office phone with the single word, "Guidance?" ergggh! #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@ecmmason oh I love that!! #sctweetchat

MSWchildfamily Charlene Gormley 
Any last minute "must have resources" that we can pass around before the end of the chat? #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
I usually say, ' "Guidance" is an activity not an identity."' #Sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@KaySita14 - I correct people to the point where they think I am insane. #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@addisoncounsels #sctweetchat O heard Yonkers let go every school counselor

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@NaGrosshandler - yes, let's do. #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@addisoncounsels That is insane!!! #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@sch_counselor I always makes it a point to call myself a School Counselor to everyone, regardless if they refer to me as "g". #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
#sctweetchat "g" word interessting topic..we may need a movement to ban it from education #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I advertised that we were going to end at 8:00, but I think we can go a bit longer ;) #sctweetchat

addisoncounsels addisoncounsels 
@sch_counselor Can you imagine NYC has had a hiring freeze on all support staff, including school counselors for 2yrs now. #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@sch_counselor - I like that you called it "the g word" #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason
@SchoolCounslr #Sctweetchat A very sad state of affairs. Same here.

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@ecmmason - hating the term "guidance counselor" is not too strong. It is more annoying when SC's REFER to themselves as GC's! #sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
@ecmmason I think hate is appropriate in this case. #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I call it the "g" word too... it makes me want to lose my mind...#sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
@jenniferg92 @ecmmason many in our state do not have full time counselors at the ES level #Sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@juliavtaylor I agre, and have to admit I haven't been perfect. On mission to convert everything this yr, even the office sign #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
HATE the "G" word. Is "hate" too strong for that? I think not. #sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
@juliavtaylor @NaGrosshandler Like nails on a chalkboard!!!! #sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
I know we are about to come to an end, but one topic we didn't touch on, that I am curious about, perhaps for later, is RTI. #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
@juliavtaylor @KaySita14 @SchoolCounslr I created a FB page at my internship site. Once the principal OK'd, we were good. #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
Sadly, yes...RT @ecmmason: On ratios: Unless there is legislation, in most states the ES ratio is almost always higher than HS. #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@NaGrosshandler - do you advocate to use "school counselor" instead of "guidance counselor?" Nothing irritates me more! #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
Sometimes I think we need a "HSCs for ESCs!: We can't do our work without them doing their work first!" group. #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
@juliavtaylor@SchoolCounslr Visibility IS acctblty the kids, I am commiting myself to doing a better job at it this yr! #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@ecmmason #sctweetchat I think that is from the days of "Guid Couns". More one on one at HS

KaySita14 KaySita 
@ConnieMWard: Same for me. Still to many to really handle but better than some other schools. #sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
YES. And they cut Elem Counselors here...RT @sch_counselor: Imagine how much more you could do with more school counselors!#sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
The ratios at our high schools is 800:1 #Sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
My ratio is about 350+ /1 . There are two of us. #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
@juliavtaylor Yes, I do the same. It's important to be visible. #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
@juliavtaylor that is exciting! I really hope my District is open to using social media. Can be such a great tool! #Sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
Imagine how much more you could do with more school counselors!#sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@nagrosshandler #sctweetchat elementary a bit higher about 400 to 1

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
Wow these high ratios are all the more reason we need to use data!#sctweetchat

DannonL Dannon Loveland 
@juliavtaylor With a ratio that high, it is important target those who have the best scope of the school. @NaGrosshandler #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
My ratio is 700:1 #Sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@juliavtaylor #sctweetchat we are low about 225 to one

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@ecmmason - that is the definition of insanity. I will never complain about our ratio again. Well, at least not tonight. #sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
@Juliavtaylor. I'm elementary & considered a lucky one. Some of our schools have 1100:1 #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
@kaysita14 This is a good start for college planninghttp://bit.ly/l3jhRZ #sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
@ConnieMWard - Formal. Was wondering about taking an interest survey about groups at my first intro... #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
@juliataylor I've got ESCs here with ratios of 1600/1 AND in 4 diff schools! RIDICULOUS. #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
At @ASCAtweets conference there as a great presentation about a school news program called WE SOAR #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@MelodiHoward - OMG. Please tell me you are not at a high school. #sctweetchat

hammietime Hamilton Freeman 
@juliavtaylor @NaGrosshandler ours this year is too... :( 450/1#sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@SchoolCounslr - yes - @apexcounselors and we are launching a FB page on Aug 9th! With principal permission and all. Exciting! #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
Formal or informal? RT @sch_counselor@Senorita_Payne I do my first needs assessment when I introduce myself. #sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
My ratio is 830:1 #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
My ratio is 400+ /1 #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
I have a professional FB for kids to access that is only for that purpose. #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
@KaySita14 Good question. #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@Senorita_Payne I do my first needs assessment when I introduce myself. #sctweetchat

DannonL Dannon Loveland 
@jennhadams That's a great idea! #schoolcounseling #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
LOVE the school news idea. Tried to do a test prep song once to the tune of YMCA. #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
I do more "check ins" in the hallways that saves me so much time and students don't miss valuable class time! #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler 
#sctweetchat I have my HS counselors meet with each student individually as the year starts to discuss everything

KaySita14 KaySita 
I miswrote my earlier question: How do I as a SC prepare to move from one grade level (MS) to another (HS/College)? #sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
If you have a school news show this is a great way to make yourself visible to all. We appear as guest anchors at times. #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
Do any of you have professional Facebook or twitter accounts for students and parents to access? #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@SchoolCounslr - visibility is key! I try to get out of my office every class change, lunch, and before & after school #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
@MelodiHoward #sctweetchat Thanks Melodi!

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
I'd like this link too please! RT @ecmmason@MelodiHoward Have a link for this book? #sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
@ecmmason http://www.marcoproducts.com/whoisyoursch.html I take actual photos of people in the school to use in the book.#sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
For intros Voicethread could be a great tool! SCs need to start using it like crazy! http://bit.ly/VWC2Z #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
Making yourself visible is important. I try and be out with the students during snack and lunch. One way to introduce yourself #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman
@juliavtaylor Will do! I want to hear more about your KS keynote... #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
@jennhadams @NaGrosshandler There are nearly 200 school counselors for 89 schools - 55 ES, 15 MS, and 10 HS #sctweetchat

jennhadams Jennifer Hook Adams 
I like to use Whose Tools Are These by Sharon Katz Cooper with K-1 and then I go through the "tools" that I use for my job.#sctweetchat

hammietime Hamilton Freeman 
@juliavtaylor i agree... high school is definitely harder to visit classes.. we also have parent nights right when we start #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
@MelodiHoward Have a link for this book? #sctweetchat

DannonL Dannon Loveland 
utahfutures.org is the site we use in #Utah and like the SC site, it follows students through their schooling. k-post-hs #sctweetchat

KaySita14 KaySita 
I go into every homeroom over the first 10 days "introduction" period to introduce myself and talk about what I do. #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
I'm fortunate to have an awesome administration, so we are front and center. #sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
For the lower grades I read Who is Your School Counselor. I have a powerpoint game that I made that goes along with it. #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
We have a zillion class meetings and open houses where we are introduced. I'm in a HS, very little time for class visits. #sctweetchat

SchoolCounslr Suzanne 
@ecmmason haha I love that idea! #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@jenniferg92 - email me. I have a million. #sctweetchat

Senorita_Payne Señorita Payne 
Great Question--any tips? RT @milwaukeemeagan: Anyone have any fun ideas for introducing themselves to classes? #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
Intro lessons? I used to dress up like a P.I. and go with the kids on a scavenger hunt around the school. #sctweetchat

jenniferg92 Jen Grossman 
@juliavtaylor MSCA leadership team is meeting to develop a facebook page & twitter acct soon, any tips for us? #sctweetchat

hammietime Hamilton Freeman 
we introduce ourselves during the class assemblies at the beginning of the year #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I like the idea of doing something in an intro about tools for success#sctweetchat

MelodiHoward Melodi Howard 
I begin lessons the first week in Sept. I let the teachers have the first week. #sctweetchat

TokenYankeeRach Rachel Wolf 
@milwaukeemeagan good question! I am nervous about that! #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
I'd like to hear....that is :-) #sctweetchat

ecmmason Dr. Erin Mason 
In IL many districts w/o supervisor. In ChicagoPS HS SC valued over ES. HS dir its her sole job. ES dir not so much. #sctweetchat

ConnieMWard Connie Ward 
@milwaukeemeagan Great question! I'd like to everyone's suggestions # #sctweetchat

NaGrosshandler Nathan Grosshandler
@jennhadams #sctweetchat 80 counselors..I don't envy that person

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
@milwaukeemeagan I would love others to share ideas about intro lessons! I get this question a lot! #sctweetchat

juliavtaylor Julia V. Taylor 
@hammietime - I won't be there this year. =( I am keynoting at the Kansas School Counselor Association conference. #sctweetchat

sch_counselor Danielle Schultz 
I also have an amazon store. I add books and resources I find useful or want to buy!: http://astore.amazon.com/school014-20 #sctweetchat

milwaukeemeagan Meagan B Schultz 
Anyone have any fun ideas for introducing themselves to classes? Do you let teachers have the 1st week alone or jump right in? #sctweetchat

This is a transcript from the first ever School Counselor Tweet Chat on
August 3, 2011 at 7:00pm Eastern Time.


Read the chat transcript from the bottom up.

To read PART 1 of the transcript click here!

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