Great Until the Last Drop!

I left the ASCA National Conference in Seattle, WA feeling energized and refreshed (all the coffee I consumed was only partially responsible).

My conference experience was a whirlwind of activity... I presented during the pre-conference, attended keynotes, and sessions. I met amazing people and made new connections.

The ASCA National Conference is an idea-sharing-extravaganza. Everyone shares with each other, talks about things they have done in their school, and asks about things you have done in your school.

I wrote blog entries for the ASCA Scene during the conference: The When is Now and Connecting.  Be sure to check them out!

The most beneficial sessions were interactive and gave me ideas and tools that I could implement at my own school. I attended lots of sessions but my favorite sessions included creative and fun things you could implement at any school and at any level.  I am going to profile some of my favorite sessions by sharing information about the session and how you can learn more!

ASCA Conference 2011 Favorites: (I will be continuing to update this... here are these are the ones I wrote so far...)
"WE SOAR TV: 10 Minutes Can Make a Difference" by Anaid Shaver and Cheryl Philips

I gained so many new ideas it is difficult to relay them all. Part of it is experiential... you just have to go. It is an amazing experience to be around so many dedicated and enthusiastic counselors.

I am already looking forward to the conference next year!  I am working on proposals to present. The theme is Be Brilliant! for ASCA's diamond anniversary and it will be in Minneapolis, MN!

See you there! :)

What were your favorite sessions you attended at the 2011 ASCA Conference? Comment below, tweet, or contact Danielle, share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

For a full list of sessions and handouts from the 2011 ASCA Conference visit the ASCA website.

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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