4 Summer Items that Will Make a Splash in Your School Counseling Office

If you have been shopping recently it is probably not a news flash that the start of school is just around the corner.  It most stores summer items are now on sale. Now is the perfect time to get some items that will make a splash in your school counseling office in the fall and all year round!

Pool Noodle

When you think of a pool noodle you probably think of a fun way to float around a pool, not school counseling.  I was inspired by seeing an occupational therapist use a pool noodle to make stress relievers.  Creating stress relievers out of a pool noodle is an easy and very affordable way to provide students a way of reducing anxiety and/or fidgeting. Stress relievers are also a great tactile item for students who have anger outbursts.

How to video: How to Make Stress Relievers Using a Pool Noodle


Sand is enjoyable and relaxing at the beach and in your school counseling office! 

Every since my friend Shelly made me a portable sand tray, it has become one of the hottest items in my office.  Everyone wants to touch and play with the sand, including adults. 

All you need to create your own portable sand tray is sand and a clear plastic storage container. You can get items to use in your sand tray from the dollar store, toy stores, and craft stores. 

Read Shelly's guest post: Creating a Portable Sand Tray

Sand Bucket

Whether you use sand buckets with your new portable sand tray, as storage for items, or to fill with compliments, you will have a cheery reminder of summer year round! 

One of my favorite group lessons I did this year was Compliments, Self-Esteem, and Bucket-Filling! I read the students Have You Filled a Bucket Today? to teach students about how making someone else feel better can make them feel better too.  During the discussion we talked about quality compliments. I purchased buckets for all of the girls in my group and we used them to fill with compliments for all the girls in the group. It was so much fun and the girls loved it!

I used a coupon at Michael's craft store to purchase the bucket shown for less than $1.

Post about bucket-filling: 

Beach Ball

Whether you are passing a beach ball on the beach, in a pool, or in your school counseling office you will have ball! 

Beach balls are another affordable addition to your office! You can use beach balls to encourage students to taking turn when talking, to play games, and to ask a question to students by creating a question ball. You can use beach balls in individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom lessons.  

Posts about beach balls:

How to Create a Question Ball with a Beach Ball

All of these summer items are very affordable and sure to make a splash in your office year-round! 

What summer items do you use in your school counseling office year round? How would you use the items mentioned? Comment below, tweet, or contact Danielle, share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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