School Counselor Gift Ideas from Baudville

Character Pin - ExclamationsI first found out about Baudville when I received an anonymous exclamation lapel pin in my mailbox at the charter school where I worked.  I was so shocked and excited when I received it. It made me feel really good that someone noticed my hard work and was willing to offer me a token of appreciation!

Baudville has great products with messages that school counselors will love! Baudville is your one stop recognition shop! There are tons of different themed incentives and awards on Baudville's Website. There are even sections with FREE materials which includes e-cardsebooksprint and posts, and much, much more.

Baudville has a ton of different items. I picked some of my favorite items below. These items would make great gifts for supervisors, interns, new school counselors, and colleagues!  

Lapel Pins
Character Pin - Starfish: Making a Difference - Blue CardCharacter Pin - Power of One: You Make a World of DifferenceCharacter Pin - You Make the DifferenceCharacter Pin - You Made the Difference

Celebration Gift Sets
Celebration Gift Set - Making the DifferenceCelebration Gift Set - Starfish: Making a DifferenceCelebration Gift Set - You are Truly AppreciatedCelebration Gift Set - Essential Piece

Tote Bag - Imagine, Believe, AchieveTote Bag - You Make a World of DifferenceTote Bag - Making the DifferenceCharacter Totebag - Starfish Making a Difference

Travel Mugs

Travel Mug - Together We Can Make a DifferenceStainless Steel Travel Mug - Starfish: Making a DifferenceTravel Mug - You Make a World of DifferenceTravel Mug - Making the Difference

Note Cube Sets
Note Cube & Pen Gift Set - Imagine, Believe, AchieveNote Cube & Pen Gift Set - Starfish: Making the DifferenceNote Cube & Pen Gift Set - Making the DifferenceNote Cube & Pen Gift Set - Leading by Example
The items above are just some of the items that Baudville offers! Visit Baudville's website for more amazing products!

Do you have any school counselor gift ideas? Comment below, email metweet, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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