What's Behind the Anger?
Oftentimes school counselors get "angry" kids referred to them and instead of trying to figure out what is behind that anger, we put them in a group to teach them how to manage it. Anger management groups can be a great way to teach students that anger is a normal emotion. Talking about anger can teach students that they have power over their anger and how they handle it. However, if you want to move beyond anger management , it is important to figure out what is behind the anger. Anger management concerns are often masking a bigger and/or different issue. While facilitating anger management groups last year I realized that the majority of students in my groups had or were currently experiencing the incarceration of a loved one . I was interviewed by Counseling Today and mentioned this in the article . This realization made me much more purposeful about the activities we did in our group. It also helped me to recruit students for future groups focusing on specific ...