Meet LaRRRy!

At the beginning of the school year, we began implementing a School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Plan (SWPBIS) for our school. Students are rewarded with a yellow ticket when they are "spotted" demonstrating Ready, Respectful, and Responsible behavior.  Their ticket allows them to write their name on a quadrant of a RESPECT grid in their classroom.  Every Friday, the principal calls one of the quadrants.  Every student in that quadrant is rewarded in some way. Some of the rewards for winning on the RESPECT grid include small individual prizes, ice cream socials with the principals, and a Wii Party (I received a donation from Donors Choose for the purpose of PBIS.)

To begin recognizing whole classrooms of students who demonstrate Ready, Respectful, and Responsible, behavior we invited LaRRRy the Leopard to come to our school! The spelling of LaRRRy's name is not an error... the three R's in his name stand for Ready, Respectful, and Responsible! LaRRRy has an important job at our school! He is the "Leopard Leader Recognition Mascot" and his job is to "spot" students and classrooms who are demonstrating Ready, Respectful, and Responsible behavior.

Each week our SWPBIS program highlights a different area of the school (i.e. hallway, cafeteria, auditorium). Classrooms who demonstrate Ready, Respectful, and Responsible behaviors in that area will have the opportunity to "Get Spotted." Classrooms are be nominated by teachers, school counselors, administrators, or by school staff in the highlighted area.  For example, cafeteria monitors can nominate a classroom who consistently shows Ready, Respectful, and Responsible behavior in the cafeteria.

Classrooms who "Get Spotted" demonstrating Ready, Respectful, and Responsible behavior will have the honor of hosting LaRRRy  the Leopard Mascot for a week. Classrooms who "Get Spotted" with LaRRRy will get their picture taken with LaRRRy and be featured on a bulletin board in the cafeteria.

The school counselors introduced LaRRRy to the students at an assembly on Thursday.  Students LOVE LaRRRy and are so excited at the prospect of "Getting Spotted" and being able to host him for a week! I look forward to giving you more updates about LaRRRy and how he is increasing positive behavior at the PreK-8 school where I work!

Just a note, LaRRRy is a GIGANTIC (46") stuffed leopard plush we purchased on Amazon! He is super soft and we are impressed with his quality and SIZE! Amazon has tons of other HUGE stuffed animals if you are interested in doing this at your school! 

How do you promote positive behavior at your school? Do you have a School Wide Postive Behavior Intervention and Support Plan (SWPBIS)?  Do you have questions about starting a SWPBIS plan at your school? Comment below, email metweet, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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