School Counselor Blog Turns 2!

I cannot believe it has been two years since my first post on School Counselor Blog! I am so glad I took my dad's advice to start this blog. Looking back at my first posts I realize how far this blog has come in the past two years. I have grown so much as a blogger and a school counselor. Writing School Counselor Blog has been an amazing experience and has enabled me to connect with so many readers all over the United States and the world. I get so many emails from people thanking me for this resource and asking questions. It is very rewarding to know that School Counselor Blog is helping other school counselors and educators find ideas , resources , and lessons . Thank you to all of my readers for making this journey such an unbelieveable one! What is your favorite post, lesson, resource, or idea you received from School Counselor Blog ? Comment below, email me , tweet , or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page ! Danielle is a K-12 Certified Sch...