Integrating Drama and Art into Counseling Lessons
I enjoy integrating drama and art into my counseling lessons as much as possible. In the following post I detail some lessons I facilitated and where to get more ideas! When I was working at the charter school, I ran an after school club about tolerance and respect. We did many activities, but my favorite was reader's theater, a dramatic reading of a story in script form. The story we used was Crocodile and Ghost Bat Have a Hullabaloo: An Australian Tale of Name Calling from Teaching Tolerance . The students created their own characters for the story out of construction paper, crayons, and googly eyes. I also had them create mosaic style scenes to using cut up construction paper. The students loved this activity! After the students felt confident reading their lines, we took our show on tour to kindergarten, first, second, and third grade. The students were excited to share their work and the story with others; the younger students enjoyed hearing and seeing it! I included pi...