Where can I find lessons on test-taking strategies for "testing season"?

I received an email from a reader looking for lessons about test-taking strategies.

Q: I came across your blog a few weeks ago and I am just loving it! As a school counselor myself, it is so wonderful to hear from other counselors across the U.S. Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts with us!

Here in Texas, we are starting the "Testing Season," if you will, and I am really looking for some new and creative ideas on lessons for my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on test-taking strategies and taking initiative. I was wondering if you had any ideas or suggestions on something that has really worked for you. I really want to liven things up a bit and get away from the "same old" lessons.

Thank you for your time and again, for sharing a bit of yourself with us! Keep sharing! 

A: Thank you so much for your question!

"Testing Season" is fast approaching here in Pennsylvania too!

Scholastic has a great section on their website on Standardized Test Preparation.  There is an article about the stress of standardized tests. The Scholastic article gives some suggestions for test preparation and advice from kids.  There is also a section called Make Test Review Fun. The Make Test Review Fun offers some great ideas including websites that have free PowerPoint games: Parade of Games in PowerPoint and PowerPoint Games.

There are lots of great books out there that you can use to teach about test taking strategies.  My personal favorite is Horray for Diffendoofer Day! by Dr. Seuss. There is a great website that offers ideas for lessons to do with the book.  

Some other books that I would recommend are Tyler Tames the Testing Tiger and Testing Miss Malarkey.  

The American School Counseling Association website also has information on test taking strategies in the resource center, including test taking bingo.

I hope these resources give you ideas for great test-taking lessons.

Does anyone else have ideas for great test-taking lessons? Comment below, email metweet, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.


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