Paper-Based Career Interest Inventories for Elementary School, Middle School, and High School Students

A reader asked me about paper-based career interest inventories.

Q: My students have limited access to the computer lab.  Do you know of any free pencil and paper career interest inventories?

A: In Pennsylvania, we have some great career resources available through the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEEA).  There is a part of PHEAA's website specifically for counselors.

There are two different resources on PHEAA's website that provide a paper-based career interest inventory for elementary age students.  Exercise Your Mind is an activity book geared towards younger elementary students. Exercise Your Mind has three different activities targeting student's interests in relation to career: "Are You a Good Student?,""What are Your Values?" and "Your Learning Style."

It's My Life: Career Guide for Middle School Students is a workbook geared towards 5th though 8th graders.  It's My Life: Career Guide for Middle School Students has career interest exploration activities including, "Exploring Careers," "Careers that Relate to School Subjects," and "Career Clusters."

I would recommend doing a search for career standards on your state's Department of Education page.  You may be able to find specific lessons or resources that correspond with your state's standards. The Pennsylvania Department of Education Career Standards page provides great career information and resources.

The reader who asked this question is from Arizona. There are some great resources on the School Counselor section on the Arizona Department of Education website. The school counselor section features a Student Career and Educational Guide that includes a career interest inventory for elementary students.

I hope these resources for paper-based career interest inventories work for you and your students!

Where do you find paper-based career interest inventories to use with students? 

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