Revisiting Goals and Revitalizing Passion
Just to recap, my professional goal was to administer needs assessments and determine the best way to serve the population that I am working with. My personal goal, was to train for a half-marathon . I will give an update on the status of both... I have given all of the students in sixth grade needs assessments based on the Peacemakers program. The questions that were on the assessment include "In the last two weeks I have ..." and outlines various behaviors "got into a fight, gave someone a compliment, talked to someone to solve a problem," etc. The students rate the questions by frequency. I have not tallied the data yet, but I think it will give me a good idea about how students are currently solving their problems. Although, from my interactions with students, most students are not solving conflicts peacefully. This brings me to the Peacemakers curriculum itself. I think it is a wonderful framework. It is research based and data-driven. The only problem I a...