Where does the time go?!

Well, it has been a month since I last wrote. I honestly can't believe how fast this month went. I have been super busy. I have gotten a lot accomplished this past month. I have done tons of classroom lessons on bullying, tattling, friendship, and anger management. I have been meeting with students individually and in groups. I am working on setting up some friendship groups over lunch. It is a challenge to figure out how to maximize the time that I spend with the students. By starting some groups, I hope to reach more students. My biggest project at the moment is starting groups for students who have an incarcerated parent. The students are so excited about being in a group that supports children of incarcerated parents. They have been great about getting their permission forms back and are eager for the groups to start. Their enthusiasm and excitement about the groups is contagious . I can't wait to get started. I am also collaborating with the librarian. She was...